What is going on?

A few years back a pie chart was used to support gay marriage. The title of the propaganda meme was "What will happen if gay marriage is legalized?" and underneath the chart was a list - Gays will get married (teal), A third world war will break out (gray), Various plagues will break out (pink), Schools will begin teaching kids how to have gay sex (yellow), and The terrorists will win (red). The chart was colored entirely teal.
I hope you see the irony.

Just this week, leaked footage of a Disney executive meeting exposed a clear agenda to use their influence to emphasize and normalize LGBTQ+ lifestyles. Admittedly, this may not seem like "news" because this agenda has been clear for a while in their programming. But in this meeting they acknowledge that having a bunch of LGBTQIA supporting characters is not enough. They need more gender-nonconforming leads and more queer stories. And they have stopped using phrases like "ladies and gentlemen" and "boys and girls" at their theme parks.
What is going on?

The five-part series "The MisEducation of America" on Fox Nation can help bring some understanding. In this series, several trends that we take for granted as normal parts of our American experience are revealed to be the result of the progressive overhaul of the national academic system that has taken place since the early 1900s. Some of these trends, like grading, the addition of highschool, the use of bells, the separation of a school day into periods, and the implementation of the pledge of allegiance seem relatively benign and perhaps even useful. Other trends, like the unionization of teachers, the development of the department of education, the outlawing of prayer and Bible reading in schools, the hyper-focus on diversity and the teaching of sex education has been obviously more harmful and even insidious. Important players in this process are revealed - men like John Dewey, Herbert Marcuse, Saul Alinsky, Alfred Kinsey and Howard Zinn - some of whom may have been well-meaning, most of whom were definitely not. And progressive methods and tactics are exposed and explained.

And we continue to see these tactics playing out before us and against us.

These are important topics for us to discuss. Please watch the series; or even better, please join us on Tuesday afternoons for our "Laying Strong Foundations" parent discussion hour.

Thank you.


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